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Need Some Guidance?

I can answer your burning questions, offer tips, and help you think through your big idea(s).

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Pick My Brain Sessions

Giving you advice where you need it

If you’ve read my blog posts and listened to the podcasts I’ve been on, but still have questions, I’d love to help.

I offer 60-min Pick My Brain sessions, where I answer your questions in a thorough and organized manner. I can answer questions around the following topics:

  • Self-Publishing
  • Book Marketing
  • Speaking
  • Creative Entrepreneurship

This service is for you if:

You have a growth mindset and are willing to do the work - even when it’s uncomfortable
You are a life-long learner
You are able to clearly articulate the areas you struggle the most within your brand/business
You have an open mind and want to learn from someone who has been where you are

This service is NOT for you if:

You’re unable to articulate the areas that you’re struggling most with in your brand/business
You’re not interesting in learning new things
You have a scarcity mindset and are likely to avoid things that make you feel uncomfortable
You’re not interested in learning from someone who has been in your shoes and would rather figure it out on your own

Book Your Session Today